Partnerships in the Landscapes around Kruger National Park strengthens Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Clusters on the western boundary

On 15 June 2018, a core group of high level strategic partners were invited to an initial high level Strategic partner meeting  to discuss alignment between various GEF related programmes, USAID WWF Khetha, WWF Water Stewardship, CSA programmes and other partner initiatives in support of the wildlife economy, wildlife protection, area integrity, governance and legal support, tangible community beneficiation and socio-economic development, institutional reform of community governance structures and sector forums etc. within the Greater Kruger/GLTFCA footprint.

A more comprehensive common understanding was built on the respective contributions of the different programmes. It became clear that there is a need for more structured collaboration.

The meeting provided strategic guidance in pursue of long-term sustainable outcomes, including the institutionalisation of practices within the landscapes.  A Task Team was formed to take this initiative forward. The Task Team will pull together a Status Quo Report, which will enable effective collaborative Actions.


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